- Timmers R., van Kuijk M., Verweij P., Ghazoul J., Hautier Y., Laurance W., Arriaga-Weiss S., Askins R., Battisti C., Berg A., Daily G., Estades C., Frank B., Kurosawa R., Pojar R., Woinarski J. and Soons M. 2022. Conservation of birds in fragmented landscapes requires protected areas. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
Descargar - Escobar, M.A.H., M.A. Vukasovic, J.A. Tomasevic, S.V. Uribe, A.M. Venegas, F. Santander & C.F. Estades. 2022. New nesting records and breeding ecology observations of Rufous-legged Owls in the Mediterranean Temperate Forest of Central Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 56:106–110.
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Uribe, SV, N García & CF Estades. 2021. Effect of Land Use History on Biodiversity of Pine Plantations. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:609627.
Fernández, PD, NR Villaseñor, SV Uribe & CF Estades. 2021. Local and landscape determinants of small mammal abundance in industrial pine plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 496: 119470.
Santander, F, S Alvarado & CF Estades. 2021. Effect of forests cover on raptor abundance in exotic forest plantations in Chile. Ardeola 68: 391-408.
Escobar, MAH & CF Estades. 2021. Differential responses of small mammals immediately after clearcutting in forest plantations: Patterns and mechanisms. Forest Ecology and Management 480:118699.
Thomson, R. F., M. A. Vukasovic & C. F. Estades. 2021. Trans-Andean Crossing of Yellow-Billed Pintails (Anas_georgica). Waterbirds, 43(3-4), 333-336.
Medrano, F. MA Vukasovic, R Chiappe & CF Estades. 2020. Composition and structure of bird flocks in a temperate forest of Central Chile. Revista Chilena de Ornitología 26(1):33-36.
Estades, CF, RF Thomson, MA Vukasovic & MP Acuña. 2020. Daily Movements of Non-Breeding Yellow-billed Pintails (Anas_georgica) in Central Chile. Waterbirds 43: 204-210.
Thomson, RF, MA Vukasovic & CF Estades. 2020. Estado de las poblaciones del Rayador (Rynchops_niger) en Chile. Gayana 84(2):144-151.
Uribe, SV, CF Estades, & VC Radeloff. 2020. Pine plantations and five decades of land use change in central Chile. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0230193.
Estades, CF, I Lazzoni & J Aguirre. 2019. Nesting ecology of the endangered Chilean Woodstar (Eulidia_yarrellii). Ornitología Neotropical 29:11-18.
Acuña, MP, MA Vukasovic, HJ Hernández, TA Acuña & CF Estades. 2019. Effects of the surrounding landscape on waterbird populations in estuarine ecosystems of central Chile. Wetlands Ecology & Management 27:295-310.
Escudero-Páez SP, E Botero-Delgadillo & CF Estades. 2019. Effect of plantation clearcutting on carnivore presence in industrial forest landscapes in south-central Chile. Mammalia 83: 115-124.
Castillo MG, HJ Hernández & CF Estades. 2018. Effect of connectivity and habitat availability on the occurrence of the Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet (Pteroptochos_castaneus, Rhinocryptidae) in fragmented landscapes of central Chile. Landscape Ecology 33:1061–1068.
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Echeverria, V, CF Estades, E Botero-Delgadillo, JC Wingfield & PL Gonzalez-Gomez. 2018. Pre-basic molt, feather quality, and modulation of the adrenocortical response to stress in two populations of rufous-collared sparrows Zonotrichia_capensis. Journal of Avian Biology 49: e01892.
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González-Gómez PL, V Echeverría, CF Estades, JH Perez, JS Krause, P Sabat, J Li, D Kültz & JC. Wingfield. 2018. Contrasting seasonal and aseasonal environments across stages of the annual cycle in the rufous-collared sparrow, Zonotrichia_capensis: Differences in endocrine function, proteome and body condition. Journal of Animal Ecology 87:1364–1382.
Iranzo, EC., Acebes, P., Estades, CF., González, BA., Mata, C., Malo, JE., Traba, J. 2018. Diffusive dispersal in a growing ungulate population: guanaco expansion beyond the limits of protected areas. Mammal Research 63:185–196 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13364-017-0345-x
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Muñoz-Sáez A., Perez-Quezada J. and Estades C. 2017. Agricultural landscapes as habitat for birds in central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 90:3.
Uribe S., Chiappe R. and Estades C. 2017. Persistence of Dromiciops_gliroides in landscapes dominated by Pinus_radiata plantations. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 90:2.
Iranzo EC, P Acebes, CF Estades, BA González, C Mata, JE Malo & J Traba. 2017. Diffusive dispersal in a growing ungulate population guanaco expansion beyond the limits of protected areas. Mammal Research 63:185-196.
Fuentes-Allende N., Vielma A., Paulsen K. Arredondo C, Corti P. Estades C. and González B. 2016. Is human disturbance causing differential preference of agricultural landscapes by taruka and feral donkeys in high Andean deserts during the dry season? Journal of Arid Environments 135:115-119.
Malo J., González B., Mata C., Vielma A., Donoso D., Fuentes-Allende N. and Estades C. 2016. Low habitat overlap at landscape scale between wild camelids and feral donkeys in the Chilean desert. Acta Oecologica 70:1-9.
Pavez E. and Estades C. 2016. Causes of admission to a rehabilitation Center for Andean condors (Vultur_gryphus) in Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 50:23-32.
Zhao Y., feng D., Yu L., Wang X., Chen Y., Bai Y., Hernández J., Galleguillos M., Estades C., Biging, G., Radke J. and Gong P. 2016. Detailed Dynamic land cover mapping of Chile Accuracy improvement by integrating multi-temporal data. Remote Sensing of Environment 183:170-185.
Escobar M., Uribe S., Chiappe R. and Estades C. 2015. Effect of clearcutting operations on the survival rate of a small mammal. Plos One 10(3)e0118883.
González-Gómez P., Razeto-Barry P., Araya-Salas M. and Estades C. 2015. Does environmental heterogeneity promote cognitive abilities Integrative and Comparative Biology 55(3).
Thomson, R. F., J. Bustos-Weisser & G.A. Lobos. 2015. El Ánade Real (Anas_platyrhynchos), potencial especie invasora para Chile. Hornero, 30(1): 1-5.
Quilodrán C.S., Estades C.F. and Vásquez R.A. 2014. Conespecific effect on habitat selection of a territorial cavity-nesting bird. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126(3):534-543. PDF
Uribe S.V. and Estades C.F. 2014. Reptiles in Monterrey pine plantations of the Coastal Range of Central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 87:3-8. PDF
Estades, C.F. & M.A. Vukasovic. 2013. Waterbird population dynamics in estuarine wetlands of Central Chile. Ornitología Neotropical 24:67-83.
González B.A., Samaniego H., Marín J.C. and Estades, C.F. 2013. Unveiling Current Guanaco Distribution in Chile Based upon Niche Structure of Phylogeographic Lineages Andean Puna to Subpolar Forests. PLoS ONE 8(11):e78894
Lobos G., Cattan P., Estades C. and Jaksic F. 2013. Invasive African clawed frog Xenopus_laevis in southern South America key factors and predictions. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 48(1)1-12. PDF
Quilodrán C.S., Pernollet C.A., Chávez M.A. and Estades C.F. 2013. Nest-Site Selection and Success of Red Shoveler (Anas_platalea) in a Wetland of Central Chile. Waterbirds 36(1):102-107. PDF
Pernollet, C., EF. Pavez & C.F. Estades. 2013. Habitat Selection by Torrent Ducks (Merganetta_armata_armata) in Central Chile: Conservation Implications of Hydropower Production. Waterbirds 36:287-299.
Simonetti J., Grez A. and Estades, C.F. 2013. Providing habitat for native mammals through understory enhancement in forestry plantations. Conservation Biology 27:1117-1121. PDF
van Dogen, W.F.D., Lazzoni, I., Winkler, H., Vásquez, R.A. and Estades C.F. 2013. Behavioural and genetic interactions between an endangered and a recently-arrived hummingbird. Biological Invasions 15:1155-1168. PDF
Villaseñor N.R., Escobar M.A. and Estades C.F. 2013. There is No Place Like Home High Homing Rate and Increased Mortality after Translocation of a Small Mammal. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59:749-760. PDF
López-Alfaro C., Estades C.F., Aldridge D.K. and Gill R.M.A. 2012. Individual-based modeling as a decision tool for the conservation of the endangered huemul deer (Hippocamelus_bisulcus) in southern Chile. Ecological Modelling 244: 104-116.
González, A.L., M.A. Vukasovic, V. López & C.F. Estades. 2012. Variación temporal de la abundancia y diversidad de aves del humedal del río Mataquito, Región del Maule, Chile. Hornero 27(2):167–176.
Pernollet, C.A., C.F. Estades & E. Pavez. 2012. Estructura social del Pato Cortacorrientes Merganetta_armata_armata en Chile central. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 18(1-2): 23-34.
Thomson, R.F. & C.F. Estades. 2012. Survival rates of forest passerines in South-Central Chile. Ornitología Neotropical.
Quilodrán C.S., Vásquez R.A. and Estades C.F. 2012. Nesting of the Thorn-Tailed Rayadito (Aphrastura_spinicauda) in a Pine Plantation in Southcentral Chile. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124(4):737-742. PDF
Acuña, M.P, C.F. Estades. 2011. Plantation clearcut size and the persistence of early-successional wildlife populations. Biological Conservation 144:1577-1584. PDF
Lobos, G., P. Bobadilla, A. Alzamora & R. F. Thomson. 2011. Abundance and activity-pattern of birds at a landfill in central Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Chile). 84: 107-113.
Baeza, A. & C.F. Estades. 2010. Effect of the landscape context on the density and persistence of a predator population in a protected area subject to environmental variability. Biological Conservation 143:94-101. PDF
Squeo, F.A, C. Estades, N. Bahamonde, L.A. Cavieres, G. Rojas, I. Benoit, E. Parada, A. Fuentes, R. Avilés, A. Palma, R. Solís, S. Guerrero, G. Montenegro & J.C. Torres-Mura. 2010. Revisión de la clasificación de especies en categorías de amenaza en Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83: 511-529.
Tomasevic, J.A., P.J. Hodum & C.F. Estades. 2010. On the ecology and conservation of the Critically Endangered Masafuera Rayadito (Aphrastura_masafuerae). Ornitología Neotropical 21:530-537. PDF
Thomson, R. F., M.A. Vukasovic y M.A.H. Escobar. 2010. Presencia de Cisne de Cuello Negro (Cygnus_melanocoryphus) en la desembocadura del Río Maule, Chile central. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 15(2): 38-41.
Alejandra Alzamora, Carolina Gallardo, M. A. Vukasovic, R. F. Thomson S., Bernardino Camousseigt, Andrés Charrier, Carlos Garín y Gabriel Lobos. 2010. Phymaturus_Flagellifer (Matuasto) Brumation Behavior. Herpetological Review 41 (1): 85.
Venegas, A.M., S. Varela & C.F. Estades. 2009. Efecto del fuego en la comunidad de aves de bosque en la Reserva Nacional Malleco. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 15(1):1-7. PDF
González-Gómez, P.L. & C.F. Estades. 2009. Is natural selection promoting sexual dimorphism in the Green-backed Firecrown Hummingbird (Sephanoides_sephaniodes) Journal of Ornithology 150:351-356.PDF
Lobos, G, M.A.H. Escobar, R. F. Thomson y A Alzamora. 2009. Philodryas_chamissonis and Liolaemus_nitidus: Predation determined by PIT tag. Herpetological Review. 40 (3): 358
Estades, C. F., Aguirre, J. & Camaño, A. 2008. Chilean Flamingos (Phoenicopterus_chilensis) in estuaries of central Chile. Flamingo 16:50-54.
Estades, C.F., M.A. Vukasovic & J.A. Tomasevic. 2008. Giant Hummingbirds (Patagona_gigas) ingest Calcium-rich minerals. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120(3):651-653. PDF
Merino, S., J. Moreno, R.A. Vasquez, J. Martínez, I. Sánchez-Monsalvez, C.F. Estades, S. Ippi, P. Sabat, R. Rozzi & S. McGehee. 2008. Haematozoa in forest birds from southern Chile Looking for latitudinal gradients in prevalence and parasite lineage richness. Austral Ecology 33: 329-240
Tomasevic, J.A. & C.F. Estades. 2008. Effects of the structure of pine plantations on their “softness” as barriers for ground-dwelling birds in South-central Chile. Forest Ecology and Management 255:810-816. PDF
Estades, C.F., J. Aguirre, M.A.H. Escobar, J.A. Tomasevic, M.A. Vukasovic & C. Tala. 2007. Conservation Status of the Chilean Woodstar Eulidia_yarrellii. Bird Conservation International 17:163-165. PDF
Falcy, M.R. & C.F. Estades. 2007. Effectiveness of corridors relative to patch enlargement. Conservation Biology 21(5):1341-1346. PDF
Estades, C.F., M.A.H. Escobar, J.A. Tomasevic, M.A. Vukasovic & M. Páez. 2006. Mist nets versus point counts in the estimation of forest bird abundances in South-Central Chile. Ornitología Neotropical 17:203-212. PDF
González- Gómez, P.L., C.F. Estades & J.A. Simonetti. 2006. Strengthened insectivory in a temperate fragmented forest. Oecologia 148:137-143. PDF
Tomasevic, J.A. & C.F. Estades. 2006. Stand attributes and the abundance of secondary cavity-nesting birds in southern beech (Nothofagus) forests in South-Central Chile. Ornitología Neotropical 17:1-14. PDF
Vukasovic, M. A., M. A. H. Escobar, J. A. Tomasevic & C.F. Estades. 2006. Nesting Record of Rufous-legged Owl (Strix_rufipes King) in central Chile. Journal of Raptor Research 40(2):172-174.
Zaviezo, T., A.A. Grez, C.F. Estades & A. Pérez. 2006. Effects of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and isolation on the density, species richness and distribution of ladybeetles (Coleoptera Coccinellidae) in manipulated alfalfa landscapes.
Escobar, M. A. H., C.F. Estades, M. Falcy & M. A. Vukasovic. 2005. Geographic Distribution Telmatobufo_bullocki (Bullock’s Frog). Herpetological Review 36(1):77.
Escobar, M. A. H., M.A. Vukasovic, Sandra V. Uribe, A. M. Venegas & Gonzalo Ugalde. 2005. Registro de tres especies de anuros en plantaciones forestales de Pinus_radiata D. Don, en Chile central. Noticiario Mensual del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural 356: 8-10.
Escobar, M.A.H., M. Páez, M.A. Vukasovic & C.F. Estades. 2004. Nidificación del migrador austral Elaenia_albiceps en remanentes de Bosque Maulino y plantaciones de Pinus_radiata en Chile central. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 10:34-36.
Estades, C.F. & J.A. Tomasevic. 2004. Oferta de cavidades para aves de bosque en relación con parámetros dendrométricos en Hualo (Nothofagus_glauca) y Coihue (Nothofagus_dombeyi). Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 10:26- 29. PDF
González, R.A., C. N. Morong & C.F. Estades. 2004. Variación estacional de índices de Condición Corporal en aves de bosque en Chile Central. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 10:20-24. PDF
Estades, C.F. 2003. Sap feeding by the Green-backed Firecrown (Sephanoides_sephaniodes). Ornitología Neotropical 14:531-533. PDF
Estades, C.F. 2001. Consumo de semillas de pino (Pinus_radiata) por rayaditos (Aphrastura_spinicauda). Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 8:30-31.
Estades, C.F. 2001. The effect of breeding-habitat patch size on bird population density. Landscape Ecology 16:161–173.
Estades, C.F. & S.A. Temple. 1999. Temperate-forest bird communities in a fragmented landscape dominated by exotic pine plantations. Ecological Applications 9(2), pp. 573–585.
Estades, C.F. 1999. Nidificación de aves en un rodal maduro de Pinus radiata. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 6:35-38.
Estades, C.F. 1999. Selección de sitio de nidificación por diucones (Xolmis_pyrope) en plantaciones jóvenes de pino. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 6:24-27.
Estades, C.F., S.A. Temple & A. F. Gajardo. 1998. Unusual nesting of the Rufous-legged Owl. The Journal of Raptor Research 32(2):183.
Estades, C.F. 1997. Bird-habitat relationships in a vegetational gradient in the Andes of central Chile. The Condor 99:719-727.
Estades, C.F. 1996. Natural History and Conservation Status of the Tamarugo Conebill in northern Chile. Wilson Bulletin 108(2), 1996, pp. 268-279.
López-Calleja, M.V. & C.F. Estades. 1996. Natural history of Tamarugo Conebill (Conirostrum_tamarugense) during the breeding season. Diet and habitat preferences. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 69: 351-356.
Estades, C.F. & M.V. López-Calleja. 1995. First nesting record of the Tamarugo Conebill. The Auk 112(3):800-804.
Estades, C.F. 1995, Aves de la Reserva Nacional Pampa del Tamarugal. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 2:21-23.
Estades, C.F. 1995. Aves y vegetación urbana el caso de las plazas. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 2: 7-13.
Estades, C.F. 1995. Estimación de la densidad de una comunidad de aves de espinal mediante transectos y estaciones puntuales. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 2:29-34.
Estades, C.F. 1994. Impacto de la sustitución del bosque nativo por plantaciones de Pinus_radiata sobre una comunidad de aves en la Octava Región de Chile. Boletín Chileno de Ornitología 1:8-14.